
This Code of Conduct establishes ethical standards for TrioEdge Software Solutions Private Limited board members, senior leaders, consultants, and staff. It ensures lawful, ethical conduct aligned to company values.


The Code applies to the Chairman, Directors, Senior Management, and all consultants. Referred to collectively as “officers.” Officers must sign an annual acknowledgment agreeing to abide by the Code.

Ethical Conduct

Officers should demonstrate the highest integrity and ethical behavior professionally and personally. This includes properly disclosing and handling conflicts of interest. Seek guidance from the Chairman when unsure.

Avoiding Conflicts

Officers should avoid situations creating actual or perceived conflicts with TrioEdge interests. Such conflicts may involve external directorships, business investments, related parties, gifts/payments, or usurping corporate opportunities. Disclose details to the Chairman in advance when uncertain.

Accounting Practices

Support accurate, timely bookkeeping and reporting. False, misleading or unsupported financial data is illegal and violates the Code.

General Provisions

  • Uphold and help enforce the Code
  • Maintain safe, harassment-free workplaces
  • Protect confidential information
  • Avoid insider trading or revealing insider knowledge
  • Safeguard company assets and funds
  • Submit valid, authorized expenses only
  • Deal ethically with customers and vendors


The Chairman or Board of Directors must approve waivers. Violations warrant disciplinary action up to termination or legal remedies. TrioEdge will cooperate fully with law enforcement regarding Code violations.


Officers confirm receipt and understanding of the TrioEdge Code of Conduct through signed acknowledgment.